M.Sc. Mathematics
About us
The Postgraduate Department of Mathematics was started in August 2009. Since then the Department has been maintaining the highest standards of education, promoting excellence and fostering critical thinking. In response to the emerging trends in higher education, the Department offers a variety of innovative courses in Pure and Applied Mathematics as well as in interdisciplinary streams. Over the years, the Department has made an impact in society by their contributions in various fields through teaching, research, and industrial collaborations. The Department has been regularly organising national conferences since 2014. The Department has signed an industrial partnership with Aadhityaa Infomedia Solutions and Tamil Nadu Science and Technology Centre. A certificate course in Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning is offered by the Department to the final year students of the college to prepare them for competitive examinations. Currently there are eighty students in the Department with four full time faculty members.
For Admissions and other Course related details, please visit the

Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha
Head & Associate Professor
Courses Taught: Algebra, Topology, Research Methodology and Soft Tools, OOP with C++, Graph Theory, Advanced Graph Theory, Discrete Mathematical Structures, Basic Discrete Mathematics, Foundations to Logical and Relational Structures
Research Guide
Email Id: [email protected]

Dr. M. Arul Jeya Shalini
Assistant Professor
Courses Taught: Algebra, Numerical Methods, ODE, PDE, Measure Theory and Integration, Mathematical Statistics, Mechanics, Fuzzy sets and Applications, Advanced Operations Research, Networks Games and Decisions, Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning
Email Id: [email protected]

Dr. V. Sharon Philomena
Assistant Professor
Courses Taught: Algebra, Numerical Methods ,Topology, Differential Geometry, Research Methodology and Soft Tools, Data Structures and Algorithms , Advanced Graph Theory, Networks, Games and Decisions, Mathematical Soft Computing and Information Security
Email Id: [email protected]

Dr. A. Sajiya Merlin Mahizl
Assistant Professor
Courses Taught: Real Analysis, ODE, PDE, Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis, Research Methodology and Soft Tools, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Networks Games and Decisions
Email Id: [email protected]

UGC Minor Research Project– V. Sharon Philomena, the Principal Investigator carried out the project on “ Graph Matching Algorithm Towards Women Related Cancer” from 2017-2019.
A National Workshop on Graph Matching Approach towards Women related cancer was organised on 24th November 2017 sponsored by UGC.
Research Guide – Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha
Three research scholars have already completed their research and have been awarded their Ph.D. degrees. Currently four research scholars are pursuing part-time research for their Ph.D. degrees under the guidance of Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha.
Ph.D. Viva- Voce of Ms. K. Ezhilarasi Hilda Stanley on 27.06.2018
Ph.D. Viva- Voce of Ms. R. Jaya Glory on 22.4.2024
Ph.D. Viva- Voce of Ms. K. Subashini on 19.12.2023

An MOU was signed between the PG Department of Mathematics, WCC, and Aadhityaa Infomedia Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

An MOU was signed between the PG Department of Mathematics, WCC, and the Tamil Nadu Science and Technology Centre, Chennai.
Certificate courses offered by the department
A course on “Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning” is organized by the department every year for final year UG and PG Students of Shift – II, WCC.
Faculty Awards for Research
Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha received the S Ramanujan Award 2024 by the Association of Researchers and Academicians India ARAI for her outstanding and exemplary professional and research achievement in the field of Mathematics on 28th June 2024.
Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha received the International Academic Research Excellence Award IAREA-23 for excellence in Research in Mathematical Sciences on 9th April 2023.

Academic Visits abroad and other states by Faculty & Students.
Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha visited Trinity College, The University of Melbourne, Australia from 2nd to 7th July 2023
Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha and faculties from other country Universities at Trinity College, The University of Melbourne, Australia, from 2nd to 7th July 2023.
Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha presented a paper at Trinity College, The University of Melbourne, Australia, from 2nd to 7th July 2023.
Dr. V. Sharon Philomena attended His Last Command – Our First Concern sessions 1070 & 1071 at Maui, Hawaii from 7th to 31st August 2018.
Dr. V. Sharon Philomena participated in an International Service Learning at Trinity University Asia, Philippines from 5th to 17th February 2023
II M.Sc. Maths students – Benita Becky, Merlin Mahiba, Sivasree Mysha and Rajasri participated in the Malaysia Eduhop Program Study Abroad Student Exchange Program in University of Cyberjaya, Malaysia from 6th – 19th July 2022.
Dr. M. Arul Jeya Shalini participated in the Faculty Induction Programme under the aegis of (PMMMNMTT) scheme of MHRD, Phase 1 Part 1 from 2nd to 14th December 2019 and Part 2 from 20th to 27th January 2020 organised by IIT Madras Chennai.

Dr. M. Arul Jeya Shalini participated in the Peace Education Workshop organized by United Board of Christian Higher Education in Asia, Hosted by Madras Christian College, Chennai from 14th to 18th August 2023.

Dr. A. Sajiya Merlin Mahizl attended an FDP on the topic Teaching Learning Process and Prospects in 21st Century Classroom at St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli from 31st May to 2nd June 2024.

Dr. A. Sajiya Merlin Mahizl attended a Faculty Excellence in Teaching & Scholarship (FETS) Workshop at Loyola Academy Degree & PG College, Telengana on 18th &19th October 2023.

National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications (NCMCA) has been held every year from 2014 to 2024.
National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications on 23rd & 24th January 2024.

National Conference and FDP on strategic use of technology in Mathematics and Computer Applications on 30th & 31st January 2023
National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications on 29th and 30th January 2019.
National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications on 24th and 25thJanuary 2018
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS)
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 1 on 23rd September 2022 on the topic “ Some Characterizations of Permutation Graphs ” by Dr. J. Chitra
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 2 on 7th October 2022 on the topic “A few open
problems in Number Theory” by Dr. V. Vilfred .
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 3 on 5th November 2022 on the topic “Mathematics and Biology: A Dynamic Duo” by Dr. M. Suganthi
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 4 on 17th December 2022 on the topic “Soft Fuzzy number valued information system and its applications” by Dr. S. Arul Roselet Meryline
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 5 on 9th February 2023 on the topic “Entrepreneurship Development and Skill Training on International Curriculum on Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences” by Mr. Vairavan Ramamoorthy
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 6 on 24th March 2023 on the topic “Research Methodology with LaTex and Flash Implementations” by Ms. C. Yogalakshmi
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 7 on 24th March 2023 on the topic “Resolvability in Trending Graphs and Advanced Software’s for Mathematical Research” by Dr. Simon Raj F.
PG Maths Final Year Projects
Research projects are mandatory for final year M.Sc. students under the guidance of the faculty in various fields like Graph Theory, Functional Analysis, Fuzzy Theory, Automata Theory, Fluid Dynamics, Operations Research, Control Theory, Number Theory and Cryptography.
PG Maths First Year Internships
Students take up internship in summer in Maths, Computer Science and other maths application oriented areas. Internship in Companies, Academic Institutes, Banks, Insurance Companies, Hospitals, Meteorological Centre, Science and Technology Centre are undertaken. Our internship program equips students with essential research skills and practical experience in their fields of study.
Several students from our department have been recognized for their academic excellence and potential and have been awarded prestigious scholarships. These include the Blue Oval Scholarships awarded by Ford, WCC Management Scholarships, SC Scholarships, Indira Gandhi Single Child Scholarships, and the INSPIRE Scholarships.
Faculty & Student Seed Grant
Our staff and students have been privileged to receive the Research Seed Grant from the Research and Development Cell of Women’s Christian College, Chennai. This grant has provided invaluable support, enabling them to pursue innovative research projects.
Student Research Seed Grant
Ananshia Pearl A, Aicevarya Devi S, Padmavathi E, Priyadharshini T. |
Yogalakshmi G , Nimitha K Judy, Parkavi E, Kalaivani N. |
Afrose Banu. N, Benazir Fathima S, Tara S Cherry, Monisha G, Yogalakshmi S, Kaviya Sri M, Yuvasri R, Deborah Shelomith Christina C. |
Abigail M.V, Mercy Jeevarathinam T, Kerenhap Smilin D, Hepzibah P, Padma K, Haritha K, Libin Bright J.M, Ashika T. |
J. Sweena Starlet, Diya Susan Mathew, S. A. Jersha Soundar, Ramya R, Sherin Khathija S. N. |
Faculty Research Seed Grant
Dr. V. Sharon Philomena, Dr. M. Arul Jeya Shalini, Dr. A. Sajiya Merlin Mahizl |
Dr. V. Sharon Philomena and Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha, Dr. A. Sajiya Merlin Mahizl |
Dr. M. Arul Jeya Shalini and Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha, Dr. V. Sharon Philomena |
Books Published by Faculty & Students
The Department organized a Workshop on Graph Labeling Techniques on 17th December 2016. The book titled Research Lectures on Graph Labeling Techniques has been published with an ISBN number.
The Department organized a UGC-sponsored National Workshop on Graph Matching Approach towards Women-Related Cancer on 24th November 2017, as part of a UGC Minor Research Project. The book titled Research Lectures on Graph Matching Approach towards Women-Related Cancer has been published with an ISBN number under UGC-MRP
The Proceeding Book of the National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications (NCMCA) from 2014 to 2024 has been released every year with ISBN number during the inaugural of the conference and selected papers were published in the UGC approved Journals SEAJMMS 2018 and BPAS 2019.
The department faculty have contributed Book Chapters to the book titled Multidisciplinary Research in Academics: The Way Forward with ISBN Number which was released during the International Conference on “Global Perspectives on Transforming Academics through Research and Innovative Strategies (ICGPARIS 2023)” was organized by Research and Development Cell, IIC, IRC and IQAC of WCC on 26th and 27th of July 2023.
The department faculty have contributed Book Chapters to the book titled Holistic Pedagogical Approaches with ISBN Number was released during the National Conference on “Education for a Holistic Future: A NAAC Perspective (NCEHFNAAC 2024)” was organized by the Research and Development Cell, and IQAC of WCC on 1st and 2nd February, 2024.
A Book release Ceremony of Ms. K. Seethalakshmi’s from I M.Sc Mathematics, published the book “Karpanai Kadantha Kavi” at Women’s Christian College, Chennai on 28/02/2023.The book was released by Dr. Lilian I. Jasper, Principal, Women’s Christian College, Chennai
“Ms. K. Seethalakshmi, an II M.Sc Maths student, published the book “Thenkoodu” in her hometown in the year 2023. Again, in 2024, she published two more books, “Kilinjal” and “Kaarigai,” at Women’s Christian College, Chennai, on 28th February, 2024. The book launch was a huge success, and the writer received much appreciation and recognition for her writing skills and commitment to community service.”.
Other Activities
Xtreme – The Department of Mathematics has conducted an intercollegiate cultural event – Every year
NET Coaching Class
A “NET Coaching Class” for II. M.Sc. Mathematics students was organized by the Department from August 2022 to November 2022.
Service Learning Project
In the academic year 2023-2024, PG Mathematics students engaged in Service Learning Project as a part of the service learning component in the subject Mathematical Statistics during the second semester. This initiative aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application by integrating statistical tools, models, and hypothesis tests with real-world community issues. The title of the projects are as follows:
- Eating Behaviour in relation to mental health
- People’s preference for food services
- Understanding literacy levels and access to education
- Impact of usage of gadgets among students
10th Anniversary of the PG Mathematics Department celebrated on 7th September 2019. There was a very good response from our alumni and released a book Horizon in the event.
Value Education & Department Prayer
The faculty handled value education courses Christian Education Council, TAFTEE and Social Ethics for the PG Students. The department prayer is conducted every Friday.
The Crystal Jubilee (15th Anniversary) Celebration – PG Mathematics
The Crystal Jubilee (15th Anniversary) Celebration of the PG Department of Mathematics at Women’s Christian College was held on 9th September 2024. A special seminar was arranged for the PG Mathematics students. A poster exhibition highlighted the department’s journey and achievements. The book titled The Euler’s Express was released during the celebration.
Special Lectures/Talks
A Seminar on the topic “Creating Opportunities for Early Entrepreneurs” was organized by the Departments of Commerce (Computer Applications) and PG Mathematics, in collaboration with the Institution’s Innovation Council to inspire and support aspiring entrepreneurs by providing valuable insights into the entrepreneurial journey, challenges faced, and opportunities in today’s market on 19/08/2024. Mr. Akshaay Pareekh, CEO of Skillo DIY Crafts, Mr. Dhanraj, CEO of Dexa Technovation, and Mr. J. Vivek, Networker at Vestige Marketing Pvt. Ltd., were the resource persons.
A workshop on the topic “Universal Values and Ethics” was organized by the Department to deepen students understanding of ethical principles and universal values essential in personal and professional life on 20/08/2024. Dr. S. John Kaviarasu, Assistant Professor, School of Human Excellence, Loyola College, Chennai was the resource person.
A seminar on the topic “Gender Equality and Capacity Building of Women in Higher Education” was organized by the Department to provide insights into the challenges women face in higher education, discuss strategies for nurturing gender equality, and build resilience on 09/09/2024. Mrs. Sheeba Williams, Coordinator of Therapy and Senior Counsellor at TTK Hospital, Chennai was the resource person.
A seminar on the topic “Fostering Women Entrepreneurs and Understanding Intellectual Property Rights” was organized by the Department to empower Women entrepreneurs by providing insights into the challenges of entrepreneurship and the importance of intellectual property rights in protecting their innovations on 25/09/2024. Dr. Janet Glory, Associate Professor, Ms. Monica Ruby Ebenezer, Assistant Professor, BBA Department, Women’s Christian College, Chennai were the resource persons.
A seminar on the topic “Blockchain” was organized by the Department to explore the fundamentals of blockchain technology and its applications across various industries on 07/10/2024. Mr. Rajan, CEO of Aadhityaa Infomedia Technologies Pvt. Ltd., was the resource person.
A Guest Lecture on the topic “Introduction to Entrepreneurship: Exploring The Basics” was organized by the Department to provide students with a foundational understanding of entrepreneurship, its significance, and its role in driving innovation and economic growth and to familiarize students with the basics of intellectual property rights (IPR) and their relevance to entrepreneurship and innovation on 12/10/2023. Dr. A. Jesu Kulandairaj, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Loyola College, Chennai was the resource person.
A Guest Lecture on the topic “Research Methodology with LaTex and Flash Implementations” was organized by the Department to inspire students to embrace innovative approaches to academic communication and education by integrating research methodology principles with LaTeX document formatting and Flash implementations on 10/01/2024.Ms. C. Yogalakshmi, Research Scholar, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT, Chennai, was the resource person.
A National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 1 on the topic “ Some Characterizations of Permutation Graphs ” was organized by the Department to learn about the Permutation graphs and its characteristics and to deal with fundamental theorems on Permutation graphs on 23/09/2022. Dr. J. Chitra, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Dean of Student Affairs, Lady Doak College, Madurai was the resource person.
A National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 2 on the topic “A few open problems in Number Theory” was organized by the Department to introduce the students to various unsolved problems in number theory, learn about the advancement in number theory and to motivate the students to take up research in number theory on 7/10/2022. Dr. V. Vilfred, Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Central University of Kerala was the resource person.
A National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 3 on the topic “Mathematics and Biology: A Dynamic Duo” was organized by the Department to prepare students to provide safe and effective patient care on 05/11/2022, Dr. M. Suganthi, Executive Committee member, Indian Association for Basic Paramedical Sciences, Chennai was the resource person.
A workshop on “Enhancing Skill of Accessing Library Resources” was organized by the Department in association with Information Research Centre and Institution’s Innovation Council on 08/11/2022. Dr. J. Lisa Sheba Rani, Librarian, Convenor – IIC, Women’s Christian College, Chennai was the resource person.
A National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 4 on the topic “Soft Fuzzy number valued information system and its applications” was organized by the Department to help students understand why soft fuzzy numbers were introduced and to introduce soft fuzzy number valued information system on 17/12/2022. Dr. S. Arul Roselet Meryline, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Stella Maris College, Chennai was the resource person.
A National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 5 on the topic “Entrepreneurship Development and Skill Training on International Curriculum on Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences” was organized by the Department to increase the knowledge and skill of existing entrepreneurs and encourage others to become one on 09/02/2023. Mr. Vairavan Ramamoorthy Founder, Vairavan Math Academy, Bangalore, was the resource person.
A National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 6 on the topic “Research Methodology with LaTex and Flash Implementations” was organized by the Department to understand research methodology and learn how to use LaTeX to format research documents on 24/03/2023. Ms. C. Yogalakshmi, Research Scholar, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT, Chennai was the resource person.
A National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 7 on the topic “Resolvability in Trending Graphs and Advanced Software’s for Mathematical Research” was organized by the Department to familiarize with the concepts of trending graphs and their applications in mathematical research on 27/03/2023. Dr. Simon Raj F, Associate Professor, SIMATS Engineering, Chennai was the resource person.
An International Webinar on “Women Empowerment” was organized by the Department & Centre for Women Studies on 22/03/2023, Ms. Daisy Callanta, President and CEO Jesus HUGS Ministry Philippines.
A webinar on the topic “Higher Mathematics – An Optimistic Outlook” was organized by the Department to motivate the students for their career plans and top employment areas in mathematics on 27/09/2021. Dr. Sharmila Mary Arul, Associate Professor, Division of Mathematics Saveetha School of Engineering Chennai was the resource person.
An IIC Activity Webinar on the topic “IPR Assets- Path to Start-up” was organized by the Department to acquaint the student with various types of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR’s and to familiarize them with the legal regime governing the application, regulation and termination of IPR’s in India on 04/01/2022. Dr. V. Narmadha, Associative Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Women’s Christian College was the resource person.
A Research Lecture on the topic “Journal finder, JANE etc. Plagiarism checking tools UGC CARE list Journals” was organized by the Department, IRC and NDLI Club to develop the students in the research field on 24/02/2022. Dr. Lisa Sheba Rani J, Librarian, Women’s Christian College Chennai was the resource person.
A Webinar on the topic ‘‘LaTex and its Uses’’ was organized by the Department of Mathematics on 17/06/2020 as a part of Graph Theory Day celebration to introduce the research paper typing Techniques in LaTex to students which will motivate them to pursue research or higher studies. Dr. S. Sarah Surya, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Stella Maris College was the resource person.
A Guest Lecture on “Some Open Problems in Number Theory” was organized by the Department to introduce the students to various unsolved problems in number theory that continue to inspire research and mathematical exploration on 24/06/2019. Dr. V. Vilfred, Head & Associate Professor Department of Mathematics, Central University of Kerala was the resource person.
A Guest Lecture on “Big Data Analytics” was organized by the Department to discuss the impact on organizations across various industries, driving innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage on 17/09/2018. Mr. Rajan, CEO of Aadhitya Info Media Solutions was the resource person.
A workshop on the topic “Fuzzy Mathematics” was organized by the Department on 5/12/2018 where eminent persons were invited to deliver talks and initiate vibrant discussions among the delegates to promote awareness about Fuzzy Mathematics. Dr. Felbin C. Kennedy, Dr. Dhanalakshmi, Stella Maris College, Chennai were the resource persons.

UGC Minor Research Project– V. Sharon Philomena, the Principal Investigator carried out the project on “ Graph Matching Algorithm Towards Women Related Cancer” from 2017-2019.
A National Workshop on Graph Matching Approach towards Women related cancer was organised on 24th November 2017 sponsored by UGC.
Research Guide – Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha
Three research scholars have already completed their research and have been awarded their Ph.D. degrees. Currently four research scholars are pursuing part-time research for their Ph.D. degrees under the guidance of Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha.
Ph.D. Viva- Voce of Ms. K. Ezhilarasi Hilda Stanley on 27.06.2018
Ph.D. Viva- Voce of Ms. R. Jaya Glory on 22.4.2024
Ph.D. Viva- Voce of Ms. K. Subashini on 19.12.2023

An MOU was signed between the PG Department of Mathematics, WCC, and Aadhityaa Infomedia Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

An MOU was signed between the PG Department of Mathematics, WCC, and the Tamil Nadu Science and Technology Centre, Chennai.
Certificate courses offered by the department
A course on “Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning” is organized by the department every year for final year UG and PG Students of Shift – II, WCC.
Faculty Awards for Research
Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha received the S Ramanujan Award 2024 by the Association of Researchers and Academicians India ARAI for her outstanding and exemplary professional and research achievement in the field of Mathematics on 28th June 2024.
Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha received the International Academic Research Excellence Award IAREA-23 for excellence in Research in Mathematical Sciences on 9th April 2023.

Academic Visits abroad and other states by Faculty & Students.
Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha visited Trinity College, The University of Melbourne, Australia from 2nd to 7th July 2023
Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha and faculties from other country Universities at Trinity College, The University of Melbourne, Australia, from 2nd to 7th July 2023.
Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha presented a paper at Trinity College, The University of Melbourne, Australia, from 2nd to 7th July 2023.
Dr. V. Sharon Philomena attended His Last Command – Our First Concern sessions 1070 & 1071 at Maui, Hawaii from 7th to 31st August 2018.
Dr. V. Sharon Philomena participated in an International Service Learning at Trinity University Asia, Philippines from 5th to 17th February 2023
II M.Sc. Maths students – Benita Becky, Merlin Mahiba, Sivasree Mysha and Rajasri participated in the Malaysia Eduhop Program Study Abroad Student Exchange Program in University of Cyberjaya, Malaysia from 6th – 19th July 2022.
Dr. M. Arul Jeya Shalini participated in the Faculty Induction Programme under the aegis of (PMMMNMTT) scheme of MHRD, Phase 1 Part 1 from 2nd to 14th December 2019 and Part 2 from 20th to 27th January 2020 organised by IIT Madras Chennai.

Dr. M. Arul Jeya Shalini participated in the Peace Education Workshop organized by United Board of Christian Higher Education in Asia, Hosted by Madras Christian College, Chennai from 14th to 18th August 2023.

Dr. A. Sajiya Merlin Mahizl attended an FDP on the topic Teaching Learning Process and Prospects in 21st Century Classroom at St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli from 31st May to 2nd June 2024.

Dr. A. Sajiya Merlin Mahizl attended a Faculty Excellence in Teaching & Scholarship (FETS) Workshop at Loyola Academy Degree & PG College, Telengana on 18th &19th October 2023.

National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications (NCMCA) has been held every year from 2014 to 2024.
National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications on 23rd & 24th January 2024.

National Conference and FDP on strategic use of technology in Mathematics and Computer Applications on 30th & 31st January 2023

National Symposium on Mathematics and Computer Applications on 6th May 2022.

National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications on 28th and 29th January 2020.
National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications on 29th and 30th January 2019.
National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications on 24th and 25thJanuary 2018
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS)
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 1 on 23rd September 2022 on the topic “ Some Characterizations of Permutation Graphs ” by Dr. J. Chitra
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 2 on 7th October 2022 on the topic “A few open
problems in Number Theory” by Dr. V. Vilfred .
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 3 on 5th November 2022 on the topic “Mathematics and Biology: A Dynamic Duo” by Dr. M. Suganthi
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 4 on 17th December 2022 on the topic “Soft Fuzzy number valued information system and its applications” by Dr. S. Arul Roselet Meryline
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 5 on 9th February 2023 on the topic “Entrepreneurship Development and Skill Training on International Curriculum on Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences” by Mr. Vairavan Ramamoorthy
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 6 on 24th March 2023 on the topic “Research Methodology with LaTex and Flash Implementations” by Ms. C. Yogalakshmi
National Research Lecture Series on Advancements in Mathematics and its Applications (NRLS 2022) – 7 on 24th March 2023 on the topic “Resolvability in Trending Graphs and Advanced Software’s for Mathematical Research” by Dr. Simon Raj F.
PG Maths Final Year Projects
Research projects are mandatory for final year M.Sc. students under the guidance of the faculty in various fields like Graph Theory, Functional Analysis, Fuzzy Theory, Automata Theory, Fluid Dynamics, Operations Research, Control Theory, Number Theory and Cryptography.
PG Maths First Year Internships
Students take up internship in summer in Maths, Computer Science and other maths application oriented areas. Internship in Companies, Academic Institutes, Banks, Insurance Companies, Hospitals, Meteorological Centre, Science and Technology Centre are undertaken. Our internship program equips students with essential research skills and practical experience in their fields of study.
Several students from our department have been recognized for their academic excellence and potential and have been awarded prestigious scholarships. These include the Blue Oval Scholarships awarded by Ford, WCC Management Scholarships, SC Scholarships, Indira Gandhi Single Child Scholarships, and the INSPIRE Scholarships.
Faculty & Student Seed Grant
Our staff and students have been privileged to receive the Research Seed Grant from the Research and Development Cell of Women’s Christian College, Chennai. This grant has provided invaluable support, enabling them to pursue innovative research projects.
Student Research Seed Grant
Ananshia Pearl A, Aicevarya Devi S, Padmavathi E, Priyadharshini T. |
Yogalakshmi G , Nimitha K Judy, Parkavi E, Kalaivani N. |
Afrose Banu. N, Benazir Fathima S, Tara S Cherry, Monisha G, Yogalakshmi S, Kaviya Sri M, Yuvasri R, Deborah Shelomith Christina C. |
Abigail M.V, Mercy Jeevarathinam T, Kerenhap Smilin D, Hepzibah P, Padma K, Haritha K, Libin Bright J.M, Ashika T. |
J. Sweena Starlet, Diya Susan Mathew, S. A. Jersha Soundar, Ramya R, Sherin Khathija S. N. |
Faculty Research Seed Grant
Dr. V. Sharon Philomena, Dr. M. Arul Jeya Shalini, Dr. A. Sajiya Merlin Mahizl |
Dr. V. Sharon Philomena and Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha, Dr. A. Sajiya Merlin Mahizl |
Dr. M. Arul Jeya Shalini and Dr. J. Jeba Jesintha, Dr. V. Sharon Philomena |
Books Published by Faculty & Students
The Department organized a Workshop on Graph Labeling Techniques on 17th December 2016. The book titled Research Lectures on Graph Labeling Techniques has been published with an ISBN number.
The Department organized a UGC-sponsored National Workshop on Graph Matching Approach towards Women-Related Cancer on 24th November 2017, as part of a UGC Minor Research Project. The book titled Research Lectures on Graph Matching Approach towards Women-Related Cancer has been published with an ISBN number under UGC-MRP
The Proceeding Book of the National Conference on Mathematics and Computer Applications (NCMCA) from 2014 to 2024 has been released every year with ISBN number during the inaugural of the conference and selected papers were published in the UGC approved Journals SEAJMMS 2018 and BPAS 2019.
The department faculty have contributed Book Chapters to the book titled Multidisciplinary Research in Academics: The Way Forward with ISBN Number which was released during the International Conference on “Global Perspectives on Transforming Academics through Research and Innovative Strategies (ICGPARIS 2023)” was organized by Research and Development Cell, IIC, IRC and IQAC of WCC on 26th and 27th of July 2023.
The department faculty have contributed Book Chapters to the book titled Holistic Pedagogical Approaches with ISBN Number was released during the National Conference on “Education for a Holistic Future: A NAAC Perspective (NCEHFNAAC 2024)” was organized by the Research and Development Cell, and IQAC of WCC on 1st and 2nd February, 2024.
A Book release Ceremony of Ms. K. Seethalakshmi’s from I M.Sc Mathematics, published the book “Karpanai Kadantha Kavi” at Women’s Christian College, Chennai on 28/02/2023.The book was released by Dr. Lilian I. Jasper, Principal, Women’s Christian College, Chennai
“Ms. K. Seethalakshmi, an II M.Sc Maths student, published the book “Thenkoodu” in her hometown in the year 2023. Again, in 2024, she published two more books, “Kilinjal” and “Kaarigai,” at Women’s Christian College, Chennai, on 28th February, 2024. The book launch was a huge success, and the writer received much appreciation and recognition for her writing skills and commitment to community service.”.
Field Visits and More
Xtreme – The Department of Mathematics has conducted an intercollegiate cultural event – Every year
NET Coaching Class
A “NET Coaching Class” for II. M.Sc. Mathematics students was organized by the Department from August 2022 to November 2022.
Service Learning Project
In the academic year 2023-2024, PG Mathematics students engaged in Service Learning Project as a part of the service learning component in the subject Mathematical Statistics during the second semester. This initiative aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application by integrating statistical tools, models, and hypothesis tests with real-world community issues. The title of the projects are as follows:
- Eating Behaviour in relation to mental health
- People’s preference for food services
- Understanding literacy levels and access to education
- Impact of usage of gadgets among students
10th Anniversary of the PG Mathematics Department celebrated on 7th September 2019. There was a very good response from our alumni and released a book Horizon in the event.
Value Education & Department Prayer
The faculty handled value education courses Christian Education Council, TAFTEE and Social Ethics for the PG Students. The department prayer is conducted every Friday.
The Crystal Jubilee (15th Anniversary) Celebration – PG Mathematics
The Crystal Jubilee (15th Anniversary) Celebration of the PG Department of Mathematics at Women’s Christian College was held on 9th September 2024. A special seminar was arranged for the PG Mathematics students. A poster exhibition highlighted the department’s journey and achievements. The book titled The Euler’s Express was released during the celebration.