Principal’s Message

Women’s Christian College has always aspired to provide academic excellence in a vibrant environment that helps one experience life abundantly. This has promoted the development of personal and intellectual growth in tandem and has helped students combine serving others as well as meeting personal ambition. As a college we are committed to providing a love for learning, promoting critical and ethical reflection with a Christian perspective and developing sensitivity towards a sustainable environment. For prospective students I would like to say in the words of Walt Whitman “Long have you timidly waded holding a plank by the shore,/Now I will you to be a bold swimmer, /To jump off in the midst of the sea, rise again, nod to me, shout, and laughingly dash with your hair”.

Dr. Lilian I Jasper


[email protected]

  • sports

    Physical Education

    The Department of Physical Education focusses on building the ‘whole person potential’ of the students by developing their physical fitness and honing their sporting skills. To excel in sports, students are offered training in basketball, volleyball, throwball, handball, football, ball badminton, cricket, badminton, table tennis, chess and athletics. Support and facilities on campus equip the players to participate at the zonal, inter zonal, university, district, state and national level tournaments.
    To promote health and an active lifestyle, physical fitness activities like Aerobics, Yoga, Silambam, Taichi, Karate, Zumba, Traditional Dances and Basic Functional Training are designed and offered to cater to the individual needs and interests of the students.

  • sports

    Extension Activities

    Extension activities are community outreach-oriented activities that are a compulsory part of the curriculum in the undergraduate second year programme, earning the students one credit. Most of the extension activities will be outside the campus in keeping with the norms laid down by the University of Madras. All second year students should complete the required 50 hours in order to earn the compulsory credit. Registration for the EA clubs will be online. As some clubs have restrictions in the number of student intake, the registrations are based on first-come, first-served basis.

Green Campus

Environmentally responsible practice and education go hand in hand

Reputation as a leader through example


WCC is one of the earliest women's colleges to be established in the country.

Our campus and its rich history