B.Sc. Visual Communication
About us
In the year 2003, the Department was started with the objective to impart media education to students and to meet the demands of the digital era. Under Autonomy, the Department introduced innovative, need-based courses that help students to get hands-on experience with a focus on blending art and technology to communicate ideas and information. The course encompasses a wide range of field projects like Television Production, Non-Linear Editing, Drawing, Graphic Designing, Digital Photography, Creative Video Making, Web Designing, Commercial Advertising, 3D and 2D Animation and Visual Effects. The course is complemented by media internship, lab exercise, field trips and study tours. The Department uses its links with industry experts to provide Interactive sessions for the students both on and off campus.
For Admissions and other Course related details, please visit the

Ms. Sharmila Christy S
Head & Associate Professor
Courses Taught: Introduction to Visual Communication, Communication Skills, Digital Story Telling, Digital Production Techniques, Digital Post Production Techniques
Email Id: [email protected]

Ms. Irvin Mary S
Associate Professor
Courses Taught: Film Studies, Advertising, Media Management, Basics of 2D Graphics
Email Id: [email protected]

Ms. Archana N
Assistant Professor
Courses Taught: Media Research Methods, Media Culture and Society, Art of Sound, Development Communication, Digital Pre-press
Email Id: [email protected]

Ms. P Sowmiya
Assistant Professor
Courses Taught: Digital Compositing, Visual Art, Introduction to 3D Animation, Web Animation, Post Production Techniques
Email Id: [email protected]