Baheda Tree

Binomial Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.
Family Combretaceae
Tamil Name தான்றிக்காய் (Thaan-dri kaai)
Habit Deciduous Tree with roundish oval crown
Bark Whitish, longitudinally fissured
Flowers Greenish-yellow, arranged in axillary spikes
Fruits Brown, globose or ovoid, 1-seeded drupe distinctly 5- angled
Pollinators Insects
Native to South and Southeast Asia The tree is a very good healer of gastric diseases, common cold, leucoderma and also acts as laxative, cures digestive disorders, anti-inflammatory etc. It is used as antimalarial and antifungal drug in Chinese medicine. It is one of the important ingredients in Triphala (an Ayurvedic and Siddha preparation). Other properties for which it is used are acts as a laxative, health tonic and as a rejuvenator etc. A concoction of the fruit is also used to protect the liver and to treat respiratory conditions, including respiratory tract infections, cough, and sore throat.
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