Lucky Bean Tree

Binomial Putranjiva roxburghii Wall.
Family Putranjivaceae
Tamil Name Puttira-civi (புத்திரசீவி)
Tree Moderately sized, evergreen, branches weeping.
Flowers Greenish yellow, unisexual.
Fruits Ellipsoid or rounded drupes, white, velvety, hard, 1- seeded.
Flowering Period March to April
Pollinators Insects
Country of origin South-east Asia and Indian sub-continent
About the tree The hard, white seeds of the fruit are threaded into necklaces and also used for rosaries. A decoction of leaves and fruit is taken for the treatment of liver complaints, colds, fevers and rheumatism. Paste made from the leaves can be applied over the affected leg to treat elephantiasis. Powdered seed, as an ingredient, can be administered to promote fertility, both in men and women; a property the tree is particularly known for.
Location on campus