Plumeria rubra

Binomial Plumeria rubra L.
Family Apocynaceae
Tamil name நெல ஸம்பங்கி (Nela Sampangi)
Habit Soft wood, perennial, erect, semi-succulent deciduous shrub
Bark Corky stems with leaf scars, sausage shaped, thin grey bark
Flowers White to reddish pink with yellow centre, fragrant
Fruits Long brown follicles, occur in pairs, many seeded
Flowering period July to November
Pollinators Moths
Native to Mexico and Central America The name "Plumeria" is named in honour of Charles Plumier, a 17 th Century French botanist who described several tropical species. Frangipani is the national flower of Nicaragua and it features on some of their bank notes. Many Hawaiian leis (garlands) are made from frangipani flowers. They are good hosts for Dendrobium orchids. The colourful caterpillar of Pseudosphinx tetrio feeds only on the leaves of Plumeria rubra. "Warming" oils from Plumeria, is said to have a calming influence on those suffering from fear, anxiety, insomnia or tremors, according to the principles of Ayurveda.