
Binomial Plumeria rubra L.
Family Apocynaceae
Tamil Name Arali (அரளி)
Tree A deciduous small tree, vase-shaped, crown broad with fleshy, widely spaced, succulent, upright brittle branches and a milky sap, exhibiting perfect dichotomy. Elongate leathery or fleshy leaves are borne in clusters near the branch tips.
Bark The bark is grey/green and scaly in appearance. The scaling is formed when leaves drop in winter leaving small semi-circular marks on the bark.
Flowers Pink to Red, fragrant, bloom in terminal clusters at the branch tips.
Flowering Period March to June
Pollinators Moths
Country of origin Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela
About the tree It is commonly known as “frangipani,” a name which came into existence as a sixteenth-century perfume, taken after an Italian noble family. Plumeria rubra has been listed as a poisonous plant and warnings are in place against touching or eating any part of the plant. Traditional Chinese medicine makes use of the flowers and bark in the treatment of fever, bacillary dysentery, pertussis and so on. Many Hawaiian leis (neck garlands) are made from frangipani flowers. Scented oil is extracted from these flowers in a number of Pacific islands.
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