Manila Tamarind

Binomial Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth.
Family Fabaceae
Tamil name கொடுக்காப்புளி (Kodukkaapuli)
Habit Drought and salt tolerant, medium sized semi-evergreen tree
Bark Spiny, stout, greyish trunk with low irregular branches,
Flowers Small, cream white, occurs in small round heads
Fruits Fleshy twisted pods with thick seeds covered with red pulpy aril
Flowering period January to March
Pollinators Bees
Native to Central America The term ‘pithecellobium’ is of Greek origin. Pithekos in Greek means monkey and ellobium means earring. The tree got its name due to the shape of the fruit, and the term ‘dulce’ refers to the sweetness of the fruit. The tree is best known for its sweet edible aril, which is either consumed fresh or as an infusion. The tree is known as a hedge plant and is widely used as such in Southern India, especially Tamil Nadu. Locally the wood is used to make cart wheels and agricultural implements. The flowers of this tree produce excellent quality nectar. The leaves are cooked with salt and are consumed to treat indigestion. The bark extract is used for chronic diarrhoea, constipation and tuberculosis. The bark is also said to treat gum infections. Tannins obtained are used to soften leather. The pods are relished by livestock and chickens.