Star Gooseberry

Binomial Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels
Family Phyllanthaceae
Tamil name அரநெல்லி (Aranelli)
Habit Small deciduous tree
Bark Rough, brownish grey with prominent lenticels
Flowers Very minute, in short dense clusters arising from the nodules of the branches, reddish colour
Fruits Small, numerous, densely clustered, globular with 6 to 8 lobes, pale yellow, waxy, crisp, juicy and sour
Flowering period April to May
Pollinators Bees
Native to Brazil and Columbia The fruits are edible either raw or cooked. The mature fruits may be eaten fresh but usually they are sprinkled with salt to neutralise the acidity and are mainly used to make pickles. The fruits are also candied in sugar. They are rich in vitamin C. The fruit is sometimes used as a substitute for tamarind. The fruit is yellow when fully ripe but turns red upon cooking. The peppered leaves are used for rheumatism. In India, the root bark is used for tanning. 
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