Drumstick Tree

Binomial Moringa oleifera Lam.
Family Moringaceae
Tamil name முருங்கை (Murungai)
Habit Small, fast-growing, deciduous tree with umbrella shaped crown, drought tolerant
Bark Slender trunk, smooth greyish bark
Flowers Small, white, honey scented
Fruits Long, slender, triangular, seed pods, green when young and brown when mature
Flowering period January to March
Pollinators Bees
Native to India All parts of the tree are consumed as food. Leaves, flowers and fruits are cooked and consumed. The leaves are nutritious and are rich in iron. The oil extracted is called ben oil and is used for dressing salads. The flowers are also used in the perfume industry. The oil cake is used as manure and to purify well water and to remove salt from seawater. The oil is also used as a machine lubricant. The leaves are mainly recommended for lactating mothers to improve their breast milk production.
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