Indian Rosewood

Binomial Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. ex DC.
Family Fabaceae
Tamil Name தோதகத்தி (Totakatti)
Habit Medium to large deciduous tree
Bark Light brown with crooked trunk.
Flowers Whitish to pink, fragrant, arranged in axillary panicles
Fruits Pods flat, thin and papery, brown pod
Flowering Period March – April
Pollinators Bees, Insects
Native to Indian Subcontinent. Dalbergia sissoo is mainly grown for its durable heartwood, being among the finest general- use timbers in South Asia. The timber is commonly used for high class furniture and marine- grade plywood. It is also used as firewood, poles, posts, tool handles, fodder, and erosion control and as a windbreak. Oil is extracted from the seed and tannin from the bark. The tree has many reputed medicinal properties and has been used culturally for a variety of ailments including skin diseases, blood diseases, syphilis, stomach problems, dysentery, nausea, eye and nose disorders.
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