Rose of Venezuela

Binomial Brownea grandiceps Jacq.
Family Fabaceae
Tree Slow growing, small, evergreen with low dense crown.
Flowers Bright Crimson to Scarlet in large dense heads, which dangle beneath the foliage with protruding stamens and style.
Flowering Period March to April
Fruits Pods brown, long in bunches, velvety.
Pollinators Insects
Country of origin South America
About the tree Also known as the Scarlet Flame Bean, Brownea is often considered to be one of the most visually stunning tree flowers. Infusions of the dried flowers are used in herbal medicine to treat dysentery and the bark of this tree helps in clotting blood to reduce bleeding. Indigenous tribes in the Amazon make use of the Rose of Venezuela as a contraceptive. The wood, being light, soft and not durable, is seldom used. It is however, suitable for making light boxes and toys.
Location on campus