Norfolk Island Pine

Binomial Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco
Family Araucariaceae
Habit Perennial tree with a graceful pyramidal shape. The branches are wide-spaced and symmetrically arranged in whorled, horizontal tiers around a single straight trunk.
Bark Grey-brown, exfoliating in fine scales
Flowers A non-flowering tree that produces cones instead. The male and female cones are produced on separate trees. The male cones are cylindrical, yellow-brown or reddish that produces pollen. Female cones broad, with triangular scales and bract
Pollinators Wind
Native to Norfolk Island Araucaria heterophylla is a species of conifer. It is mainly utilised for ornamental purpose and as substitute for Christmas tree in tropics. The wood of large trees is used in construction, furniture, and shipbuilding. Araucaria heterophylla is one of the 50 plants (30/50) listed by a NASA study to have air purifying property. Norfolk pine is reported to absorb formaldehyde. Seeds are edible. The IUCN reports that this species is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild due to a limited and severely fragmented distribution, coupled with on-going decline in extent and quality of habitat.
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