Apple Blossom Shower

Binomial Cassia javanica L.
Family Fabaceae
Tree Medium sized tree with large spreading crown.
Bark Grey-brown becoming darker, rough on older trees.
Flowers In clusters, Pink, fading to Peach-colour.
Fruits A cylindrical pod.
Flowering Period June-August
Pollinators Butterflies and Insects
Country of origin South East Asia
About the tree The seeds are chewed together with betel leaves as a stimulating masticatory. Traditionally, the ripe pods and seeds are used as a laxative. The bark and seeds serve as antipyretics in treating fevers. The bark can be used for tanning. Smaller pieces of the wood are used for fuel and to make charcoal. Its leaves are effective against Herpes simplex and the bark of Apple Blossom is one of the ingredients in Ayurvedic medicine, used for preparing anti-diabetic formulations.
Location on campus