Andrographis  paniculata

BINOMIAL NAME Andrographis paniculata
COMMON NAME Green chiretta
FAMILY Acanthaceae
HABIT An erect annual herb
MORPHOLOGY Stem is often winged in the upper part, lanceolate, slender, petioles very small, Inflorescence is solitary or in axillary racemes,anther bearded at the base , pedicels very small ,bilipped,Ovary glabrous and when young slightly glandular - hairy .Seeds are yellow or deep - brown.

● Andrographis is frequently used for preventing and treating the common cold and flu (influenza).

● Some people use andrographis for sore throat, coughs, swollen tonsils, bronchitis, and allergies.

● The whole plant has been used for several applications such as anti-dote for snake-bite and poisonous stings of some insects.

● The leaf extract is a traditional remedy for the treatment of infectious disease, fever-causing diseases, colic pain, loss of appetite, irregular stools.



