March 1, 2025
English Dept’s short film wins award at 13th CISFF
The short film “Wings of Hope” produced by a group of 11 students of III BA English of the Core Elective Course, Short Film Production, in April 2024, under the guidance of Ms Anna Mathew, won the second place in the Student Competition Category of the 13th Chennai International Short Film Festival (CISFF). The film was also screened at the Festival on 23rd February 2025.
About the film: Wings of Hope is a short film that documents the life of mentally challenged and destitute women at Rehoboth, an NGO in Chennai, foregrounding their harsh realities while conveying a message of hope and resilience as they strive to overcome the odds and become self-reliant with some help.
Duration: 11.34 minutes
Language: English, Tamil
Link to view the film: Wings of Hope
The Award and Statuette
The award was presented by Dr Chitraa Venkataachalam, Principal of International Institute of Film and Culture (IIFC) (extreme right).
Dr Venkataachalam with Ms Sweetlyn Moses, Ms Zoraida Samuel and her colleagues from Rehoboth, Mr Niran Chander, and the winning team of students.