West Indian Elm

Binomial: Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Family Malvaceae
Tamil Name Thaen Kaai Maram (தேன் காய் மரம்)
Tree Medium-sized with spreading branches, crown rounded and spreading.
Flowers Small, pale yellow, mildly fragrant, borne in many-flowered axillary or terminal cymes.
Fruits Capsules rounded to oblong, warty, turning black on maturity, indehiscent, contains small amount of pulp
Flowering Period February to April
Fruiting Period Almost throughout the year.
Pollinators Insects
Country of origin Tropical America and West Indies
About the tree The fruit can be eaten raw or cooked. These fruits are honey scented and can be crushed in water to make a beverage or to impart flavour to certain food. The bark is the part most used. It is used to induce perspiration and as a tonic and a blood cleanser. Various studies show that procyanidin B-2, an antioxidant found in the bark, helps promote hair growth. Rope and twine can also be made with the bark and young stem. This tree can be used for fuel and it also yields a charcoal which is of high quality.
Location on campus https://goo.gl/maps/Jb2pPPJmCLTquuZ88