Grevillea robusta

Binomial Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R.Br.
Family Proteaceae
Habit Evergreen tree with pyramidal crown
Bark Grey or dark brown, deeply fissured and furrowed
Flowers Bottle brush like orange to yellow arranged in horizontal spike inflorescences
Fruits Silver grey to olive green, dehiscent follicle
Flowering Period October – November
Pollinators Birds (Sunbird) and insects
Native to Australia The leaves are finely divided and feathery which are silvery or silky white beneath and so the tree is known as Silver Oak. The timber is of medium strength and is used for furniture, packing cases, flooring, panelling, plywood and the manufacture of small wooden items such as pencils. It is planted as a shade tree in coffee and tea plantations. Intense yellow and green dyes are obtained from the leaves. Grevillea robusta timber was widely used for external window joinery, as it is resistant to wood rot.
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