Yellow elder

Binomial Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth.
Family Bignoniaceae
Habit A large evergreen shrub or a small tree
Bark Light brown to pale grey in colour, furrowed, and relatively rough in texture.
Flowers Bell shaped, bright yellow, hang in showy terminal clusters
Fruits Flat, linear capsule with winged seeds.
Flowering Period Throughout the year
Pollinators Bees, wasps and hawk moths
Native to Southern America A common ornamental plant in gardens. Its lovely profile can soften a more formal landscape, and blends beautifully with various styles of architecture. Yellow Elder is used as an herbal medicine for many treatments like diabetes, digestive problems. It helps in the control of yeast infections. The Bark shows to act as a smooth muscle relaxant and mild cardio tonic. The root of the shrub is reported to be a powerful diuretic, vermifuge and tonic. A grinding of the root of Yellow Elder and lemon juice is reportedly used as an external application and also taken internally in small quantity as a remedy for snake and rat bites. Location on campus:
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